
  • Disposable Garments

    July 22, 2022 admin

    Selection of Appropriate PPE

    What is (PPE) personal protective equipment? PPE is protective equipment worn by workers to reduce their exposure to specific hazards. PPE includes respirators, gloves, aprons, fall protection, full body suits, and head, eye, and foot protection. Using personal protective equipment (PPE) is only one component of a comprehensive hazard control programme that would employ a […]

  • Disposable Garments

    July 18, 2022 admin

    How long to wear PPE kit?

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Infection Control: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is specialised clothing or equipment that employees wear to protect themselves from infectious materials. By forming a barrier between the potential infectious material and the health care worker, PPE prevents contact with an infectious agent or body fluid that may contain an infectious agent. […]

  • Disposable Garments

    June 24, 2022 admin

    The Right PPE for Food Processing

    Contamination problems in the food processing industry: Large farms produce the majority of food, which is then industrially processed and marketed in supermarkets and global food stores. Foodborne infections and toxins have the potential to infect and poison masses of people as a result of modern food production, which has cut costs and increased the […]

  • Disposable Garments

    June 13, 2022 admin

    Why is the non-woven fabric used for making disposable garments for hospital use?

    Use of non-woven fabric in healthcare: In light of the current Coronavirus outbreak, COVID 19, infection prevention is high on the government’s and healthcare practitioners’ priority lists. Nonwovens are employed in a variety of goods in hospitals and nursing homes, as well as in clean air filtration and on a personal level, to combat infection, […]

  • Disposable Garments

    December 20, 2021 admin

    Disposable Gowns: A crucial line of defense for prevention of Infections

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During COVID-19 pandemic, PPE or personal protective equipment has become a household term as common people were made aware of its importance in reducing community spread, and protecting front line health care workers. PPE is defined as an “Clothing that is specifically designed and made to protect the whole body or […]