• Disinfectants

    June 17, 2022 admin

    Role of multi enzymatic cleaner in medical instrument reprocessing

    Importance of medical instrument reprocessing:

    The critical factors of hospital infection control efforts are sterilisation and disinfection. Various surgical procedures are performed every day at a number of hospitals. Various health care facilities are doing an increasing number of invasive operations. During numerous procedures, the clinical device or surgical tool that comes into touch with the affected person’s sterile tissue or mucus membrane is connected to an elevated threat of pathogen introduction into the affected person’s body. Furthermore, the infection can be transmitted from patient to patient, from patient to healthcare professionals, and vice versa, or from the environment to the patient via improperly sterilised or disinfected instruments. Cleaning is the process of eliminating foreign material (such as soil and organic matter) from devices, which is usually done with water and detergents or enzymatic solutions. Because inorganic and organic elements that persist on the surfaces of instruments compromise the performance of these operations, thorough cleaning is essential before high-level disinfection and sterilisation. Furthermore, if contaminated materials dry or harden onto tools, removal becomes more difficult, and disinfection or sterilisation becomes less effective or inefficient.

    Enzymatic cleaning is a critical step in the reprocessing of instruments:

    Presoaking or rinsing surgical tools is recommended to prevent blood from drying out and to soften or eliminate blood from the equipment. A neutral or near-neutral pH detergent solution is widely used for instrument cleaning since such solutions have the best material compatibility profile and effective soil removal. Enzymes, usually proteases, are added to neutral pH solutions as helpful resources in the elimination of organic matter. These formulations use enzymes to destroy proteins that make up a substantial component of typical soil (e.g., blood, pus). Cleaning solutions may also contain lipases (fat-digesting enzymes) and amylases (amylases) (enzymes active on starches). Enzymatic cleaners aren’t disinfectants, and germicides, they can only inactivate proteinaceous enzymes. Enzymes, like all chemicals, must be washed from equipment to avoid negative responses (fever, residual levels of high-level disinfectants, proteinaceous residue, etc.).

    The advantage of using an enzymatic cleaner:

    Catalysts for chemical processes are enzymes Enzymes, in other words, boost up chemical reactions. This suggests that the usage of enzymes to easy reduces the amount of time it takes to clean. When compared to detergents with the same surfactants and ingredients, enzymatic detergents can speed up chemical processes by up to 1,000,000 times and reduce cleaning contact time by ten to fifteen times. By using enzymatic cleansers, you can cut cleaning contact time in half! Medical instruments can be placed in sonication baths containing enzymatic cleansers after bulk tissue has been removed As a result, healthcare workers may also clean devices without the need for added physical effort or expensive cleansing devices. Enzymatic cleaners can be used on a variety of materials, including plastics, metals, glass, and composite materials, to name a few. At specified temperatures and pH levels, enzymes perform best. Despite the fact that enzymes perform best at peak temperatures and pH conditions, they nonetheless perform well outside of their ideal peak period. The total functionality of enzymes during cleaning operations is influenced by the water quality and the enzyme concentration in use. More debris, fat, protein, and DNA residues are eliminated from the equipment as cleaning performance improves. Patient safety and clinical results improve as cleaning efficacy improves. When tools are utilised during invasive procedures, the cleaner the instrumentation is of microscopic residues, the lower the danger of patient infection or allergies.

    In general, enzymes are the unsung heroes of reusable medical equipment cleaning. Using enzymes to clean medical instruments has a number of advantages. Enzymatic cleaning procedures, for starters, save time and money. Enzymatic cleaners are also simple to use and adapt to a variety of materials and cleaning techniques. Furthermore, using enzymatic cleansers on reusable medical devices enhances cleaning efficiency and extends the life of surgical instruments. Consider designing enzymatic cleaning techniques for your medical device care instructions or your health care facility’s cleaning process.

    Four major enzymes are included in IMAEC’s multienzyme cleaner:

    Blood, proteins, lipids, carbs, and synthetic liquids are successfully cleaned from surgical instruments, flexible and rigid scopes, and other general health care equipment using Multienzymatic Cleanser. CidalTek-Multienzyme is a blend of four enzyme concentrates for pre-cleaning surgical, medical, and dental instruments, including flexible and rigid endoscopes, quickly and effectively. Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and polysaccharides are all effectively cleaned by this multi-enzyme cleaning. CidalTek-Multienzyme is a multienzyme that may be used in ultrasonic baths, manual cleaning, and automated machinery. All metallic and plastic medical and dental devices, including flexible and rigid endoscopes, ultrasonic probes, hospital linen, and reusable catheters, can be cleaned with it.


    Cleaning | Disinfection & Sterilization Guidelines | Guidelines Library | Infection Control | CDC. (2019, April 4). https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/disinfection/cleaning.html

    Laboratories, M. (2021, June 22). MycoScience—5 Benefits To Using Enzymatic Cleaners For Reusable Medical Devices. MycoScience. https://mycoscience.com/5-benefits-to-using-enzymatic-cleaners-for-reusable-medical-devices/

    Mohapatra, S. (2017). Sterilization and Disinfection. Essentials of Neuroanesthesia, 929–944. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-805299-0.00059-2

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